Graduate Assistantships | Facilities and Services | Graduate Studies Programmes:
(Perpustakaan Tun Seri Lanang)

The University Library was established simultaneously with the establishment of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 1970. It was officially named Perpustakaan Tun Seri Lanang on 20th July 1980, after a prominent figure of the Johore Sultanate, in recognition of his immense contributions to the Malay world.

Today, the Library is housed in a four-storied building at the main campus of UKM in Bangi and has four branch libraries, namely:

Malay World & Civilization Library
Law Library
Medical Library
UKM Hospital Library
The Library is committed to being a library that will set trends in providing a range of services and technologies which facilitate access, retrieval and interpretation of knowledge irrespective of the nature or location of the information sources.  
The Library's resources support the University's research and teaching across a full range of subjects. The Library serves the academic and non-academic staff of the University, the students, UKM's alumni, individuals and corporate bodies. It offers access and borrowing privileges to its members.
Print Collection
Encompases more than 550,000 volumes of books and government documents, and about 3000 titles of journals. Its notable strength is in the Arabic & Islamic Civilization Collection Southeast Asia Collection, UKM Archives Collection and the Special Collection that enjoys international significance.
Media Collection
Comprises microforms and audio-visual materials in an array of formats.
Electronic Collection
The Library provides access to electronic resources ranging from in-house to CD-ROM and online databases. Most of them are bibliographic with abstracts and full-text articles. In-house and CD-ROM databases are stored locally while online databases are accessed from remote services in Malaysia or overseas.
  For further information please contact:
Perpustakaan Tun Seri Lanang
43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan,
Tel : 6 03-8921 5446
Fax : 6 03-8925 6067
Loan privileges for members of the University vary depending on the status of the borrowers.
Online Public Acces Catalogue (OPAC)
The library's OPAC is web-based and is named GEMILANG. It is a state-of-the-art system developed by VTLS. It provides access to the Library's collection, and via and user id and password, patron's account information. It is accessible through Web Gateway at the following URL:
Library's Homepage
Links the Library to the vast information universe. URL:
Information Skills
Academic staff and students are taught information search and retrieval skills including OPAC search strategies and searching online, web-based and CD-ROM databases.
Internet Facilities
Two computers labs with internets facilities are available for users to access e-mail, the Library's online databases and other sources of information on the internet. Users are charged RM1.00 for every 50 minutes.
Reference and Advisory Services
Provides answers to questions pertaining to the Library. Trained staff members are on hand to assist users in searching and locating library sources
Document Delivery Service
Obtains materials for eligible members of the Library from collections of local/overseas institutions if it is unable to supply from its stock.
Photocopy Service
Self-service copy machines operated by a commerical vendor are available on levels 3,4 and 5 of the Library. Photocopying cards are on sale during office hours at level 5.
Study Carrels & Discussion Rooms
Study carrels are for individual use while discussion roomns accomodating 5-15 users each, are for group use. The latter may be used free of charge. Study carrels, however, are charged RM10.00 per month plus a refundable deposit of RM5.00.
About 1000 lockers are available for rent to users at a charge of RM3.00 per month plus a refundable deposit of RM5.00.
The Library hosts many exhibitions on level 4. New books are also displayed for a month. Users may reserve them through GEMILANG. However, they can only be checked out after the display period.

The rapid rise in the usage of IT in every facets of university's administration saw the role and function of the Computer Centre becoming increasingly important. The Computer Centre, initially conceived as a data processing centre, has elevated itself into a centre providing various information technology services.

Nowadays, it involves in a host of research activities as well as the development of university's information management systems (student information system, staff information system, financial system, library system etc.). These services are offered for access to the university's community through e-mail, internet and intranet via a high-speed computer network.

Electronic communications is part and parcel of university's life. To provide this service, the computer centre built and maintained a 155Mbps ATM-based campus network utilizing fiber optics cabling system covering the four corners of the university's landscape. The campus network is connected to the Internet through SuperJaring via a34 Mbps leased line. Links between the campuses of Bangi, Kuala Lumpur and HUKM are established through 2Mbps leased lines. In addition to serving daily communication needs, the network offers the possibility of conducting better quality video-conferencing session. Distance-learning program using computers is now a viable option.

Creating a computer-literate campus community is also the role of the computer centre. To achieve this aim, the computer centre runs weekly computer workshops. The computer skills taught in these workshop ranges from computers appreciation to using productivity softwares such as office suite, graphics, web design and statistical analysis.

In terms of hardware acquisition, the computer centre is currently in the process of procuring more UNIX boxes based on the Open System. New acquisition of microcomputers for end-users should incorporate the current technology. In short, the computer centre is committed and ready to face the current and future challenges of information technology. This readiness reflects the university's stride to move into an era of corporate governance.

Publication and Educational Technology Centre (PETC) was established in 1974 to support the academic staff of the University in areas of teaching, research, and administration. PETC is located at the main campus in Bangi.
Services offered
PETC services all faculties, departments, centers, and units at UKM through various academic and technical assistance.

Design and develop teaching-learning materials. Academic staff at the university are taught and assisted in the design and production of teaching materials.

Give advice on teaching-learning issues and techniques such as lecturing method, preparing objectives, course planning, and evaluation. Other topics related to educational technologies that the centre deal with include small-group teaching, self-learning package, computer-assisted instruction and learning, distance education, flexible scheduling, and curriculum design and development.
Manage academic activities: Short courses and workshops on teaching-learning issues and techniques are conducted. Academic staff can also learn how to use Apple Macintosh computers, graphics, and desktop publishing at the computer laboratory.
  Emphasis is given on the development of self-learning packages, teaching materials, and audio-visual programmes. Teaching-learning materials developed at the centre are tested, evaluated, and modified until a good package emerges.
  For further information please contact:
The Director,
Educational Technology Centre,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,
43600 UKM, Bangi,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
Tel: 6 03-89253484

Photography: print photos and slides for teaching, research, publication, administration, and displays. Other services include photo coverage for conference seminars and workshops.

Graphic: design and produce charts, graphs, posters, book covers, illustrations, brochures, certificates etc. apple Macintosh computers are used for desktop publishing. Data sharing with the MS DOS computers is done using the DynaFile system
Offset printing: print notes, working papers, forms, reports etc. Binding is also provided. Enough time should be given for the job requested because of the heavy printing load. Normally, it takes about five working days. Accuracy of materials to be printed is the responsibility of those requesting the service.
Audio visual: Equipment loan - the centre has projectors for films, film strips, video, slides, and overhead transparencies. portable screen, television monitors, and monitors, and audio-video recorders can be checked out. Audio and video recording - for lectures or special events. Materials on film can be transferred to video tape. Projection of films, slides, or videos-for lectures or special events.

Educational Technology Centre has a graphic studio, offset printing room, and general office. The centre is equipped with eleven Apple Macintosh computers, a laser printer, scanner, modem, and Apple-Ms DOS interface. VHS and U-Matic video equipment are also used.

Candidates intending to use the services provided at the centre must obtain an authorization letter from the Student Affairs' Office.


UKM has a wide range of laboratories which can assist students to conduct their graduate research work. These laboratories are located in the various faculties such as The Faculty Science and Technology, The Faculty of Engineering, The Faculty Of Medicine, The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, the Centre for Graduate Management, and The Language centre. Besides, the Faculty of Sciences and Technology also has a green house an animal house and a Zoological Museum. UKM Fernarium is the only one of its kind in the world; a wide range of ferns are grown.