Graduate Assistantships | Facilities and Services | Graduate Studies Programmes:
Master's Degree
Applicants must possess a relevant Bachelor with honours degree from UKM or any institution of higher learning recognized by the Government of Malaysia; or other qualifications equivalent to an honours degree (in a relevant field) with relevant experience in a related field recognized by the Senate of UKM.
Doctoral Degree
Applicants must possess a master's degree (in relevant fields) from UKM or any institution of higher learning recognized by the Government of Malaysia; or other qualification equivalent to a master's degree (in a relevant field) with experience in a related field recognized by the Senate of UKM. Applicants with an outstanding bachelor's degree may be granted direct admittance to the programme. Alternatively, admission can be also granted after at least two semesters of excellent progress.
Each faculty may have additional requirements which are indicated under the faculty information.
Language Proficiency
All student must be sufficiently competent in English. The level of requirements, varies from faculty to faculty. Foreign students must also achieve some master of Bahasa Melayu (Malay Language) UKM provides courses for both language for those in need.
TOEFL/IELTS requirements
Candidates intending to write their thesis in English or intend to enroll in graduate programmes conducted in English are required to attain a minimum score of 550 for the TOEFL and a band 5 for the IELTS as a prerequisites for entry into graduate programmes at UKM. Please be advised that these scores may vary depending on individual faculty's requirements.

Applications forms may be obtained from the Centre for Graduate Management. Completed form with all the necessary information and certified supporting documents should be forwarded to the Centre for Graduate Management at the time specified. Applicants applying via the internet ( must send the necessary supporting documents and processing fee by mail. International students are required to provide evidence of adequate financial support eg. bank guarantee or scholarship's offer letter.

A general information has been given to potential graduate students in this prospectus particularly on the graduate programmes offered by the respective faculties, institute and centres and departments of the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Candidates are expected to carefully determine and decide the particular programme of studies that are suitable and in which they intend to register. Candidates, who wish to get more information on a particular programme, are strongly encouraged to communicate and to seek advice from the faculty, institute and centre concerned.

Candidates are also advised to obtain the application forms relevant for particular programme and to provide complete information as requested in the forms. These include academic transcripts, certificates, diplomas and degrees obtained both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, reference letters, financial guarantees and other required documents. Failure to submit such information and documents will cause delay in making the final decision on the application.

All application will be given due consideration by the respective faculties, institute and centre in the University.

Completed application forms must be returned to the Dean, Centre for Graduate Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

All inquiries and requests for application forms should be made to:

  Centre for Graduate Studies
  Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 43600 Bangi
  Selangor Darul Ehsan MALAYSIA
  Telephone no: 03-89215036/5338
  Telegram: UNIKEB
  Telex: UNIKEB MA 31496
  Fax: 03-89252699